30 Oct Are There Blinders On?
A channeled message…
We are here today to presence this NOW of humanity
There is so much for you all to see and witness
So much to make the heart contract
So much to make us all question our existence
All of this is a reckoning
To open yourselves to the Oneness that is ALL of it
All the experiences, all the injustices, all the joy and tenderness
All experiences are valid, even the egoic demigods who have presenced themselves
All versions of you, all versions of the One
Catapulting all…into shifts of perception
Shifts in ways of thinking,
Prompting us all to ask the bigger questions
What do I really want?
Who am I in the face of injustice or unfairness?
How do I walk my life with my eyes wide open…
With blinders on or off?
Blinders that block the full view of this NOW reality.
Stop and ask yourselves, these questions,
Begin with this inquiry…
Can I be seeing this life…my life…clearer?
What kind of blinders do I allow myself to wear?
Blinders, like
It doesn’t affect me…
One person can’t make a difference…
I have to protect my family…
I have to protect myself…
Why should I bother, life is hard enough…
All of these and more are blinders.
We invite you to look, see and BE with what you see
Invite all your senses to fully see all of it
the violence
the joy
the warmth and kindness
the injustice
the hard and harsh words
All of it,
Be present to it all
Feel each inquiry in all the cells of your vehicle, your being
This knowing once felt, will provide your next steps…if any
You do not need to hear us, not really required to DO anything
But what IS requested is
that you BE everything
to fully know each other.
To fully know ONENESS,
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